Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekly Update

I've gone back and forth all day on whether to actually update this. Fact: I'm too depressed, embarrassed, upset, wrecked (insert other depressing synonyms) to really handle this so I'm going to make it as painstakingly easy as possible. I gained weight, it sucks. I know I had a bad weekend, but I really put the effort into the gym this week to work it off. I feel fat, worthless, bloated, and I'm going to probably break down in tears any minute (which isn't so great when you’re subbing a class of 25 fourteen year olds). Maybe this is PMS and when I weight in next week I'll magically be 4 lbs lighter? Who knows? Here's to hoping for a better week....
The Bottom Line
+1.4 lbs
Total Weight Loss: (-3.6 lbs)
Maybe I'll be in a better mindset tomorrow and actually able to write the positives and goals. Game plan for right now is to survive the day, and take a long walk when I get home with the pups. This mindset goes on any longer I'm really in for stormy days ahead, time to snap out of it. Must snap out of it. 

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