Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Love Hate Relationship

With the scale that is....

Here's pretty much what I felt like this morning and it is by far the most frustrating part of dieting.  You're doing EVERYTHING right and yet the scale just isn't showing you the results your looking for.  Even worse, the scale's saying you've made backwards progress.  Hurumph! What a bad start to my day. 
These are the cases I struggle with the most.  In the past if the scale wasn't giving me the glorification I believed I was entitled to I usually just let myself be happy and eat whatever and as much as I want.  Then it came up.  Talk about backwards progress! What I didn't realize is I was essentially restarting my metabolism every time this happened.  I'm not 17 anymore, my metabolism is not an Olympic runner. (It never was, but I definitely know it has slowed down.)  Every time I took such an action I was making it harder on my body to heal and as a result delaying the weight losing process. These are facts I've known quite sometime, so why as of three days ago was I still giving in?

This is where i decided I need goals.  Yeah losing weight and being healthy is great, but I needed something I could really hold onto, really make a promise to myself and reward myself when I kept it.  My long term obvious goal is to reach this magical number I've selected in my head that I want to weight for my wedding (it's actually my pre-college weight).  But I'm human, I like being spoiled, so how the hell am I suppose to hold on for a year?  Even looking "ideal" for my engagement pictures are not enough.  They are pictures, and although I want to look fabulous in them, they're not enough to hold as a reward.  So what I decided to do (and made this promise when I started this blog) is that if I held my promise to stay "healthy" until July 16 (the day we leave for our family vacation to Myrtle Beach) I will reward myself with a full blown pedicure, something that I rarely reward myself with except for special occasions.  This way, I treat myself, my body, and revel in the fact I DID IT. 

So what did I do today?  I saw a number that nearly drove me to tears and only triggered anger and frustration.  I threw a fit, I threw the scale.  But I did not give into old ways.  Instead I accepted the number, tried to make a realization why the number was there (probably muscle weight I've been gaining due to the fact I'm training for a 15K), did a 30 minute cycle workout, and made a healthier version of my favorite lunch.  Will the number be gone tomorrow? Who knows.  But at least I haven't jeopardized my pedicure, or my journey to success.

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