Saturday, July 9, 2011

Being my own Best Friend

Found this article on weight watchers today.  It's definitely worth a read and teaches you tips on how to love yourself more.  (Something I'm sure a lot of us could use)  What's the saying go?  You can't love others until you love yourself?  Well what it's come down to me is I can't heal and fix this eating disorder until I learn to love myself as myself is.  In the article I especially liked: 

[2. Pay yourself a compliment every dayFocus on a different attribute — your clear complexion, pleasant voice, good fashion sense — and say out loud: "I love my ___." It may sound forced at first, but it's a useful counter to self-doubt.]

So many girls are they're own worse enemy.  I know when someone tells me something positive about myself (wow, you look good! Your hair looks nice today!)  I immediately take what they say, and flip it against myself.  (I may look "good" but the scale says I gained two pounds, therefore I can't look good.)  Why is it the person that should be my biggest fan (myself) is instead constantly critiquing the mirror looking for ways to make myself better? 

This "bashing" is something I have done to myself my entire life.  I did this when I was at my lowest weight, my highest weight, and everything in between.  Guess which stage was the worse?  The lowest.  At 124 I told myself I'd be happy with another 4 pounds gone.  Then maybe I could rock a bikini, then maybe my boyfriend would pay more attention to me, then maybe I'd fit into a size 4, then maybe then maybe then maybe. 

It just went on, everyday was a new battle against myself.  I was never happy, and constantly on the hook of Ed.  I felt that if maybe my weight would drop to 120, everything else would just be gumdrops and candy canes.

I'm not 100% sure where I'm going with this, but I know a huge part of fixing myself is being able to look in the mirror and go, "Wow! I love my ______."  So following the advice of the article here is my daily complement to myself... I love my thighs, running has done wonders to them! Check out those muscles and that definition!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this...I am going to give it a try too...I believe it is true that we gotta love ourselves first! Best of luck my friend
