Friday, July 15, 2011

Roadtrips from weight-gain hell

This picture will hopefully represent me in the next 48 hour period.  Drinks, no shoes, no problems.  It's clearly not this that has me anxious, its the process of getting TO vacation. 

The thing about family road trips is the inevitability I'm going to get bored.  And as tradition stands when someone gets bored my mom pulls out a brick of cheese and crackers, and even though we just ate an hour and a half ago, I find myself throat deep in cheese and cracker glory.  Boredom with me for whatever reason triggers the need to eat.  And not healthy eat, just eat.  It doesn't matter if I'm on a road trip or lounging on my bed watching a Harry Potter marathon, once that feeling to eat (when I'm not hungry, mind you) comes on, I lose control.  As well as gaining unneeded cheese and cracker calories, I've also gained shame, embarrassment, and guilt.  I didn't need to eat those things, so why did I?  I didn't need to eat them, but why did I eat the whole brick of cheese? Done. puke.  So what do I do?  How to I fight inevitable car-ride boredom? 

I don't have answers, I just have a plan for tomorrow.  Luckily I've caught this as a red flag day, so the best I can attempt to do is make a plan, and stick to it as best I can. 

Game Plan: Mission Myrtle Beach Road trip
1.  My good friend's birthday party is tonight, stay their late, have a good time, enjoy seeing friends you haven't seen in awhile.  Go home, and when the alarm goes off to get in the car at 5:30a.m., sleep until we're in North Carolina.
2.  McDonald's and Wendy's doesn't need to explode in my face, I've already looked up "healthier" meals in my "Eat This, Not That" Restaurant help book for when we stop for lunch.  A meal at either one would only cost me 10 weight watchers points. 
3.  When the snacks come out, pull out either Harry Potter (which I decided to re-read after the epic last film) or another addicting novel I've brought along (Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Lost Symbol, etc).  That way, I'm focused on literary cliffhangers instead of a come to life scene out of Anchorman (Baxter, you ate the WHOLE wheel of Cheese?! I'm not even mad, I'm impressed!).
4.  When Harry Potter fails (gasp!), pop in gum.  If anything, I'm hoping to trick my brain into the fact that chewing something is snack time, and it will fight off the urge to eat more.

Wish me luck!  See you all in a week! (Unless we have Internet of course, then see you all sooner!)

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