Sunday, July 3, 2011

Change for the Better

My success story has more to do with controlling my eating habits. In the end it's going to be a success story of a self makeover of mind, body, and soul.

Today I worked on my body.  I've recently started up a running program that will end with a 15K race this upcoming September at the Cinncinnati Octoberfest.  Other than the initial suprise of actually being capable of running 4 miles, I'm learning to actually ENJOY running!  I'm finding it easier to wake up, go to the gym, and turn out a run that as of 3 months ago, I couldn't do! My fiance and I are taking a long weekend at his family's home in Hocking Hills, so this morning I went for a quick 2 mile run.   It's hard not to enjoy running when you have scenery like this to look at on your journey!

As well as, I'm actually starting to enjoy the results running is having on my body.  Yes, the scale is giving me no love; but, I see myself leaner, more fit, and am actually LOVING my new curves.  This is a mindset I have not had in awhile, and along with enjoying my new found love of running, I'm enjoying this new mindset.

Happy Birthday America and have a safe 4th of July!

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