Monday, October 22, 2012

Killer Spooky Parties

As much as I would love to admit I was good the entire weekend with this whole diet thing, that would be an utter lie. Friday night I was excellent, yesterday, arguably excellent, and Saturday- I just blew it.

The event was a halloween party hosted by one of my very good friends.  Good company, and even better (less than healthy) food.  We're talking candy, cheese based dips, and enough guacamole I might as well of just had the  bowl to myself.  As weak as my attempts were to keep it under control halfway through the evening I decided its somewhat ok I did not. I was very conscious of the amount of food I was eating and as much as I fought myself on continuing not to gorge myself at the snack table, part of me just said f* it, enjoy yourself, and stop being a slave to this whole food thing. 
I'm failing to comprehend whey the door won't open Olmec! Me & my friend Ryan rocking out our childhood dream.

Our First Halloween as a old married couple. Notice the sudden lack of slutty attire? My Husband's less than happy.
It kind of helped. I paid for it at the gym yesterday. I guess that's where I'll give myself kudo's points. I was in sweats, feeling awful, and not really in the mood to move, but still climbed out of bed and knocked out a 45 minutes, 650 some calorie workout. And still ate my required points for the day. Old me would not have forced herself to eat the points, rather sit and sulk over too many points the day before. New me wants to do this correctly, again.

While at the gym I had an interesting realization, the is the first time in attempting to get this weight thing under control I'm not under a deadline. I'm not a bridesmaid, a bride, or trying to fit in a tiny bikini by spring break. It's literally me and time.  This has both positives and negatives to it... first off, it doesn't hold me accountable to anything. If I don't lose the weight, what's the harm? I suppose nothing.  On the other hand, though, this doesn't put the added pressure on me while the deadline is caving in to freak out and suddenly drop a bunch of weight through unhealthy measures.   In the long run will this be more helpful to my success? I guess we'll have to tune in and see. Ideally, yes, I would like this extra packed on fall coat off sooner rather than later, but its nice to know if I don't succeed by (insert random important deadline here) my diet world doesn't have to end.

I guess that's all for today. I have the terrible feeling I've caught the stomach flu that's going around my school... just what I want with 128 papers to grade and it being finals week.  At least its easy to diet when all you can keep down is chicken broth and crackers!

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