Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 2 Wrap Up

Luckily this morning the hard work paid off! Let’s hope I can carry this drive through the weekend with my in-laws!

My in-laws cooking is hands down amazing, so good in fact, that I typically lose control and always call it a "scrap weekend." My goal this week is simple- not to let this happen. Yes, the food is amazing, and yes I will want to overindulge, but I need to practice self control in these situations, particularly with the holidays around the corner. I did not do a very good job last weekend but the scales results this morning showed that my big day last Saturday was ok, sometimes it’s alright to give in a little bit.  Hopefully I don’t take this mindset to the extreme like I have in years past.  While dieting for my best friend’s wedding I made every Friday and Saturday a day off, how I lost the weight I even did is beyond me (mindset maybe?) No matter what happens this weekend, though, I know I need to put the required effort in the gym next week. Keep pushing, keep believing, and keep going forward!

The Bottom Line

-2.4 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 5 lbs

Positives for the Week:

1. Yesterday I pretty much summed it up; I got my butt to the gym even when I was feeling my worse. Kuddo's of positive points for me.

2. Keeping a good weight watchers week. As far as I know I am not over, or have tapped into my weekend bonus points. This should help me a little bit for the weekend of amazing eating!

Goals for Improvement:

1. I discovered this week I have a saltlick. For whatever reason I find salty, cheesy, carby foods absolutely amazing. (I mean seriously, who doesn't.) It didn't really hit me until this week, though, that I am drawn towards foods much higher in sodium (soy sauce, diet pop, lean cuisine meals, Panera bread) than I should be. I'm sure this can't be good for a variety of health and dieting reasons so this week I'm going to attempt to make more active choices that are lower in sodium. Still working on the whole cream based food thing from last week...

2. I got sick this week. I can make excuses that I was not feeling good and I was just trying to make the pain go away (I legit was on a sick day from school, that I am not bs-ing) but then I feel I wouldn't be honest. The fact is my fingers should be nowhere near my throat. Bottom line can't happen again.  

3. Bump up my workout regiment to include more than just the elliptical, I need to incorporate more variety or this gym thing is going to be getting old fast!

Have a great (cooled down, rainy possibly snowy?) Weekend!


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