Friday, October 19, 2012

Wrap Up Week 1

I was hit with a harsh reality this morning. That number I saw was not a miscalculated phase based on one bad night of over eating, or a vacation of indulgences, that number I saw last week was my actual weight. Bummer. The reason I know this? My arch enemy, the scale, only budged slightly. I have truly never been more upset to see a weight loss when it confirmed that I really did pack on that much weight in 2 months.

Here's the thing though... last week I could not come to terms with the girl staring back at me weighed that much. Literally, I thought it was unrealistic. I hadn't seen that much change to my body, my clothes appeared to be fitting fine, and I thought at most I may have packed on 5 pounds. Where was this extra 20 being put?! You’re probably wondering why the hell I even am bothering if I was happy with my appearance. The bottom line, I am a slave to numbers. I admit it, I know it, and I really don't have any concrete plan for fixing it. I've been that way my entire life, whether it’s the scale, grades, GPA, or my bank account if a number doesn't reflect what I want to see I lose it. Obviously the most daunting to my success is the scale. As much as I would love to admit I can overcome my obsession, I don't see this happening anytime in the near future. My solution? Embrace it, and work on health habits to make sure when I do see a number I love, it sticks around.

Ok, now to the weekly wrap up, something I would like to spend more time focusing on each week. Pretty much what I will do is list the results of the week, the positives of the week, and the spaces for improvement. I'm attempting to add some logical improvement tips to this pity party I seem to be throwing myself.

The Bottom Line

-2.4 lbs

Positives of the Week:

1. Made it to the gym every day but Tuesday. Thinking of going today, which I can't even remember the last time I considered a gym day on a Friday.

2. Healthy eating out! Had a great sushi meal last night in which I really think I put the effort into making good choices. No mayonnaise based sauces or tempura deep fried for me! Filling, and as far as I know, really healthy! Also props for not ordering a drink when everyone else did. Water (and 1 diet coke) was fine for me!

3. Didn't have a break down in front of my students. Trust me, the week I had, this was a positive.

Goals for Improvement:

1. I ate a lot of salt this week, could that contribute to the bloated packed on feeling? Look to decrease salt this week.

2. Increase water intake. Yeah, I did better this week than in the last 3 months, but keep upping the ante. Water just cleanses all the junk out.

3. Research cream allergies. I'm noticing a trend when I eat anything cream based, including items that are supposedly "better" for you (zero fat sour cream, less calorie ice cream) and to boot I'm eating them within the suggested portions. The result, though, always seems to be added on weight in the morning. I read awhile back that sometimes when you have an allergy to a food (like eggs) it could actually contribute to weight gain. Not sure how solid the research is, so something to look into.

4. Enjoy the Weekend. Don't let this piss poor mood I've been in all week bring me down. I'm seeing great friends this weekend for a Halloween party, there is zero reason my mood should be trampled because I'm overwhelmed with a buffet of Halloween treats. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Have a Great Weekend!


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