Thursday, November 8, 2012

Keeping the Mindset

I'm starting to think the "funk" has just progressed into an issue of "I'm really, really tired." I really have no reason not to blog... but the days seem to be losing hours, and I'm spending most of my free time heading to bed early, or playing the Sims. Probably another effect of the time change...

To pick up from last week, no matter how sour my mood was, I owe it to myself to recap and refocus. Yes, the weigh in killed me. But what it did Friday was give me a kick to really really try hard for the weekend. My gut told me that weigh in had to be wrong, so I decided to break my rule and check back Saturday morning. I was right, and had I saved my weigh in for Saturday (like I initially planned) everything would have been ok. In fact, I would have been .2 down for the week instead of 1.4 up. I have to credit this loss to eating extremely healthy on Friday, though, a ritual I usually don't follow. Friday's have always been my kind of "break day", I don't work out, I usually enjoy a good dinner, and then follow up with a few I celebrated the end of the week drinks. That was not the case Friday, I followed my points like there was no tomorrow, I analyzed, calculated, and planned everything that day because of my devastating blow that morning. If I wanted to enjoy Friday night, I was going to have to work for it. It's too bad I don't do this all the time. If I had this mindset every day, instead of just when I see a bad number, this weight loss thing wouldn't be so hard to do.

Friday did make for a nice push into the weekend. I hit the gym early Saturday morning to counter anything I might do for the weekend, and work up at 6:05AM to take Athena for a 2.5 mile power walk before the Browns game. Yeah it was early, but it took some of the guilt away from how "bad" I had eaten for dinner Saturday night. Overall, it wasn't a completely blown weekend (leaps and bounds better than the weekend before) and hopefully it will show for this week’s weigh in. I've been hitting the gym almost as hard as last week, and I hope to continue this in the weeks to come. I don't want the funk I was in last week to haunt me through this whole weight loss process- because if my history of weight loss is any indicator- I'm in for a yearlong funk.

Fingers double triple crossed for tomorrow. I can't hit the gym tonight because I'm in teacher conferences until 8 tonight, asking myself to hit the gym after is just not realistic or in the cards. Let’s hope I can channel last Friday to bring me to a good today and tomorrow.

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