Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm Smarter Than I Credit Myself to Be (Insert Smart-Ass comment here)

So after spending some time reading the "Eat This Not That" Books, and researching online, I realized I really didn't learn anything that I didn't already know about restaurant eating.  I already know when eating pasta to avoid the creamy rich alfredo and instead go for a tomato based saucey goodness.  I know that if I'm going to eat a burger to probably skip the cheese, mayo, bacon and bun and I won't do total damage to my waistline (even better, opt for veggie burgers, yum.) Deserts that include whipped cream are just adding "air" fat, and everything that is deep fried is probably guaranteed to be on the "no-no" list.  Always substitute fries for steamed vegetables or a fruit cup, and there's almost no sauce out there that can come guilt free (especially butter on bread).

What I did learn, is I DO have intuition about eating at a restaurant.  Yes, I am still learning, and yes I do make errors, but its not due to a faulty knowledge foundation.  How was I suppose to know the Shrimp Fajita's at Champps were much worse for you than the Steak Fajita's?  I didn't, but I learned, and now I know!  Life marches on with a bigger knowledge foundation. 

Piada yesterday: I didn't know how much olive oil was used in the sauce, but I did know that choosing fresh veggies over steak, cheese, and creamy sauce was going to slice calories out of my meal without taking away from fullness.  In conclusion, stop beating myself up over the fact I can't get an accurate point count!  Use my best judgement, listen to my stomach, and the worse that happens is I lose weight slower.  That's the bottom line. I'm making the conscious decision to better my eating and weight loss habits.  I'm willing to bet results will follow...  

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